7MATE Program Schedule for Week Commencing 19 February, 2023

Truck Night in America
Truck Night in America (image - History Channel)

7mate highlights include all new episodes of American Pickers, Heavy Tow Truckers Down Under, Truck Night in America, Pawn Stars and Disasters at Sea.

Sunday 19 February

5:50 Movie – Maverick (repeat)

8:30 Movie – Black Panther (repeat)

11:15 Movie – Keanu (repeat)

Monday 20 February

7:30 American Pickers (ep 41 of 44 in season 16)

8:30 Movie – Lethal Weapon 3 (repeat)

11:00 Movie – Hard to Kill (repeat)

Tuesday 21 February

7:30 Outback Truckers (repeat)

8:30 Heavy Tow Truckers Down Under (ep 4 of 9 in season 1)

9:30 Aussie Salvage Squad (repeat)

10:30 Truck Night in America (ep 6 of 13 in season 2)

11:30 Jade Fever (repeat)

Wednesday 22 February

7:30 Highway Patrol (repeat)

8:00 Highway Patrol (repeat)

8:30 Highway Cops (repeat)

9:00 Highway Cops (repeat)

9:30 Police Strike Force (repeat)

10:30 Surviellence Oz (repeat)

11:00 Surviellence Oz (repeat)

11:30 Crash Investigation Unit (repeat)

Thursday 23 February

7:30 Pawn Stars (ep 16 of 33 in season 22)

8:30 Movie – Long Kiss Goodnight (repeat)

11:00 Movie – National Lampoon’s Loaded Weapon (repeat)

Friday 24 February

7:30 Movie – I, Robot (repeat)

9:50 Movie – The 6th Day (repeat)

Saturday 25 February

7:30 Air Crash Investigations (repeat)

8:30 Air Crash Investigations: The Accident Files (repeat)

9:30 Disasters at Sea (ep 3 of 6 in season 1)
Note: This is a repeat for Perth

10:30 Mighty Trains (repeat)

11:30 Secrets of the Supercars (repeat)

Pulled from the Schedule

Supercars Customizer: Yianni (pulled at episode 4 inclusive of 20 in season 1)

Extreme Unboxing (pulled at episode 9 inclusive of 12 in season 1)

Jade Fever (pulled at episode 6 inclusive of 10 in season 7) 

Carnage (pulled at episode 2 inclusive of 6 in season 1)

Ultimate Rides (pulled at episode 4 inclusive of 20 in season 1)

Barrett Jackson: Revved Up (pulled at episode 13 inclusive of 19 in season 1)

Storage Wars (pulled at episode 22 inclusive of 30 in season 9)

Air Crash Investigations (pulled at episode 4 inclusive of 10 in season 22)

Awaiting Return


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