10 Program Schedule for week commencing 30 October, 2022

The Real Love Boat Australia
The Real Love Boat Australia (image - 10)

10 highlights include all new episodes of The Traitors, NCIS: Hawaii, Have You Been Paying Attention, Ghosts, The Cheap Seats NCIS, The Real Love Boat Australia, My Life is Murder, The Living Room, The Graham Norton Show, Blue Bloods and CSI: Vegas.

Sunday 30 October

6:30 The Sunday Project

7:30 The Traitors (ep 7 in season 1)

9:00 NCIS: Hawaii (ep 2 in season 2)

10:00 FBI (repeat)

11:00 The Sunday Project *Encore

Monday 31 October

7:30 The Traitors (ep 8 in season 1)

8:40 Have You Been Paying Attention? (ep 25 in season 10)

9:40 Ghosts (ep 3 in season 2)

10:10 Road to the Melbourne Cup Carnival

11:10 The Project *Encore

12:10 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Tuesday 1 November

7:30 The Traitors (ep 9 in season 1)

8:40 The Cheap Seats (ep 28 in season 2)

9:40 NCIS (ep 3 in season 20)

10:40 NCIS (repeat)

11:30 The Project *Encore

12:30 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Wednesday 2 November

7:30 The Dog House Australia (repeat)

8:30 The Real Love Boat Australia (ep 9 in season 1)

10:00 My Life is Murder (ep 5 of 10 in season 2)

11:00 The Project *Encore

12:00 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Thursday 3 November

7:30 Ambulance Australia (repeat)

8:30 The Real Love Boat Australia (ep 10 in season 1)

9:30 The Cheap Seats *Encore

10:30 Blue Bloods *Encore

11:30 The Project *Encore

12:30 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Friday 4 November

7:30 The Living Room (ep 29 in season 11)

8:30 The Graham Norton Show (ep 3 of 21 in season 30)

9:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? *Encore

10:30 Road to the Melbourne Cup Carnival

11:00 The Project *Encore

12:00 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Saturday 5 November

7:30 Blue Bloods (ep 3 in season 13)

8:30 CSI: Vegas (ep 3 in season 2)

9:30 NCIS *Encore

10:30 My Life is Murder *Encore

11:30 The Cheap Seats *Encore

Pulled from the Schedule

Good Sam (pulled at episode 6 inclusive of 13 in season 1)

Awaiting Return

The Secrets She Keeps (season 2)

FBI: International (season 1)

Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol (season 1)

Blood and Treasure (season 2)

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